Sunday, March 6, 2011

Religio-political parties against free speech

Religio-political parties? That would be anti-democratic pro-sharia Islamist groups like the OIC, the MB, and other groups that infiltrate the West and the current crop of radicals trying to set up shop in various Middle East sandboxes. Botton line: What will need to happen before our elected politicians publicly acknowledge the direct threat of Islamism to our democracy? I am afraid that some day we/they will find out.

Feb 2011:
ISLAMABAD/LAHORE: Religio-political parties vehemently condemned the publishing of blasphemous caricatures in a section of European press and demanded severing of diplomatic and trade ties with those very countries from the Government till a formal apology is made and the culprits are handed down appropriate punishment.

March 2008:
The 57-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) met last week in Senegal, where they developed what AP called “a battle plan” to defend Islam “from political cartoonists and bigots.” Not against the violent supremacists who have allegedly “hijacked” their religion, mind you. No battle plan is needed against them.