Following article is based on a presentation delivered by the author at the 31st Ahmadiyya Muslim Annual Convention, Canada held in July 2007. by /M. Nadeem Ahmad Siddiq:
I have been asked to speak to you today about the role of men and women and gender equality in Islam. Many in the West assume that Islamic law (or the Shari'ah) is inherently misogynistic. That is, it is consi dered inhere n t l y discriminatory towards women,and its practices, like thewearing of the veil, are considered oppressive (source link)
Canadian politicians (2008 & 2007 videos)'welcoming' the shariah promoters:
From Youtube:
On July 5, 2008 PM of Canada Stephen Harper participated in the unveiling of Canada's largest mosque complex. The spectacular 48,000-square-foot Baitun Nur mosque was inaugurated by His Holiness Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (aa) Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Worldwide with Friday Sermon on July 4, 2008.
"...I was out shopping for grocers ..."
From LiveLeak (I wouldn't take this as an unedited clip)