An alliance of more than 100 governmental organizations and nonprofit institutes are to hold a rally on Sunday March 6th in the city of New York in protest at a scheduled Congressional hearing against Muslims in the United States.
The collation of interfaith and non-for-profit organizations says the U.S. Congress is seeking to 'demonize' Muslims in the States at the hearing slated for Thursday, March 10.
...The coalition says Thursday's hearing will send the wrong message to U.S. Muslims by "demonizing" them.
On March 6, Russell Simmons plans to lead over 75 interfaith, nonprofit, governmental and civil liberties groups in a rally that supports Muslim rights within the U.S. The gathering, an apparent response to Congressional hearings by Peter King (R-LI), aims to show a united American community with full cooperation amongst various religions. It will take place at New York City's Times Square at 2PM EST.
Related: Scaramouche!: 'Today I Am a Dhimmi'
On March 6, Russell Simmons plans to lead over 75 interfaith, nonprofit, governmental and civil liberties groups in a rally that supports Muslim rights within the U.S. The gathering, an apparent response to Congressional hearings by Peter King (R-LI), aims to show a united American community with full cooperation amongst various religions. It will take place at New York City's Times Square at 2PM EST.
Related: Scaramouche!: 'Today I Am a Dhimmi'