Sunday, April 11, 2010

Mythmatical Battles

To this day, when you ask my 13-year-old son how he knows what 7 x 8 is, he'll grin and say, "It's the attack power for The Red Dragon."

You know the card games that kids are really into...the ones that have an "attack power" and a "defense power?" Well, the smart folks at Mythmatical Battles came up with a card game that integrates this style of play with multiplication and mythology. (You can get a deck of Celtic/Greek or Norse/Egyptian cards.) At the ages of about 8 to 11, my son LOVED this game. From the Mythmatical Battles website: 
Each player uses his own Mythmatical Battles Deck, with 55 cards featuring gods, heroes, and monsters from Greek, Celtic, Norse, or Egyptian mythology. Every card has one multiplication equation for its attack strength and one equation for its defense strength. A single deck contains all the multiplication equations from 1x1 to 9x9.

The players take turns drawing cards from their decks, placing them face-up to the "Field" (known to grown-ups as the table, desk, or floor), and challenging their opponent's cards.  The card with the highest product wins.  But look out --Magic and Weapon cards can change card strengths, and weaker cards can team up to conquer a powerful card.
It's a small company. Nice folks. If you send them an email message, you get a personal reply from "the minions." They've also come out with a book, Walk Past the Wolf: A Mythmatical Battles Adventure, which I hope to review soon.

You can view information for educators by scrolling down the menu on the Mythmatical Battles website.

If your kids are into this type of card game, they're gonna love this!

P.S. Today I asked my son about this again (I had to edit which card was his actual favorite.) At almost 14, he said, "We need to play this game again. I own it, this game. Zeus is high, too. He's either 8 x 9 or 9 x 9. But I never personally liked Zeus." [He grins.] He continues, "You know what our favorite thing was? Any time we got you to say we didn't have to do math if we played this game." [Chuckles.]