This week is all about SEX! You can read more here but check back every day this week for reviews and giveaways.
Well today's the last day of my Week With No Name event. I hope you've enjoyed yourself and entered a few giveaways. More importantly, I hope I haven't scared you away! I promise, no more sex books for a while!
UPDATE: This post is now a giveaway too! Thanks to Hachette Book Group
UPDATE: This post is now a giveaway too! Thanks to Hachette Book Group
Hachette Book Group (2009)
Adult Nonfiction: Humour
266 pages
Forward by A.J. Jacobs
Summary: Scoring weed for your uncle...Hanging out with porn stars on Christmas Eve...Eating nachos with the Mossad...Observing the Dyke Days of Awe...Getting held up at a Weight Watcher's meeting...Spying on your naked Hebrew School teacher. From Heeb magazine--the definitive voice of a proud, searching, and irreverent new generation of American Jews--this first-of-a-kind fast and fun showcase spotlights the hilarious and heartful raconteurial gifts of many of today's leading writers, comedians, actors, artists, and musicians.
This book wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be. The stories are funny. It's just that I'm not Jewish enough to understand some of the jokes and words used. Even some of the references to Christianity I didn't understand. Each chapter starts with a comic, NONE of which I found funny. However the stories themselves were great. Some were shocking, some were alright, some were hilarious and some were intriguing. It was neat seeing a different side of Jews. I'm just trying to figure out if I should pass it on to any of my Jewish family members or not. I don't know if they would think the stories are funny or not.
The stories are not only about sex and drugs. The other chapters are Work, Youth, Family and Body & Soul. However some of the other chapters' stories included sex in the story. There is also a large amount of GLBT authors. It was nice not always hearing heterosexual stories. All the stories are American. I would have liked to see some Canadian stories.
The stories are by:
"today's leading writers, comedians, actors, artists" - Hachette
although I can't say I've ever heard of any of them. However I'm not up on the names of famous people.
Overall it's a humourous read but one that would be enjoyed more by someone who is more Jewish than I am.
Links of Interest: Heeb Magazine,
Other Reviews: Carol's Notebook, In Bed With Books, Madeleine's Book and Photo Blog, One Swede Read,
Buy Sex, Drugs and Gefilte Fish