Sunday, August 9, 2009

HRC on John Bolton: Priceless

From CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS:An outside the box smack-down, if there ever was one. Excerpts here. Full transcript later of CNN interview here. Fareed also hosted a "townview" with Secretary Clinton for CNN at the University of Nairobi in Kenya. The townview talked about corruption, the need for reform in Kenya, the post-election violence and the ICC, also DRC, Somalia, and lots of tough-love talk. The thing that ricochet around the world in a constant 24 news cycle -- the 40 goats and 20 cows:...

MR. ZAKARIA: Our time is limited, and I’m just going to end with one very specific question. This is a news report I saw while preparing for this town hall, and it involves a woman, a young woman, a very attractive young woman. A Kenyan city councilman says he offered Bill Clinton 40 goats and 20 cows for his daughter’s hand in marriage five years ago. (Laughter.) He is still awaiting an answer. And I thought on this occasion, you know, Mrs. Clinton, if you think about it – (laughter and applause) – if you think in the current global economic climate with asset values have gone down, your stock portfolio is probably down, your government has had – your husband has had to do a little bit of government work, take time off from the private sector, it’s not a bad offer. (Laughter.)

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, my daughter is her own person. She’s very independent. So I will convey this very kind offer. (Laughter.)

Full transcript here.