- Beyond Co-Pay: To Ensure They Get Paid, Doctors Seek Entire Bill For Patient Share Upfront - WSJ http://bit.ly/18RDbj
- Ghostwriters paid by a pharmaceutical company produced 26 articles backing the use of hormone replacement therapy http://bit.ly/10fygU
- Prolonged Grief Disorder: A Problem for the Past, the Present, and the Future http://bit.ly/17PKZC
- FDA places a cancer warning on all TNF blocking drugs http://bit.ly/xXVbR
- New program in China uses DNA testing to identify genetic gifts and predict the future http://bit.ly/U2tWO
- A blood test that detects 9 compounds may diagnose some early cases of lung cancer http://bit.ly/EpvTM
- Miniature digestible chip attached to a pill is sending a signal that confirms the patient is taking the pills http://bit.ly/11Fpce
- Emerging Therapies for the Treatment of Helicobacter pylori Infections: levofloxacin or rifabutin as salvage therapies http://bit.ly/JTzkU
- BBC: Teenagers 'bullied by sex texts' http://bit.ly/18wrLp and http://bit.ly/lz2qO
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