- Annual detoxification program? "A “detox” craze, but skeptics abound" - NYTimes http://bit.ly/16ws0P
- Texting while driving -- it's not just teens http://bit.ly/1oeixu
- Allergy Titles from Google Books: the embedded books are searchable - try it http://bit.ly/jx25y -- Experiment: When you search for medical information, try your search on Google Books - see an example: http://bit.ly/35SJFG
- TickDoctor is a free Tick Identification Atlas for iPhone with Medical Info http://bit.ly/6oVTo - @OslerdoesEM is the author.
- "How to Date a Medical Student" - advice from Marissa Kristal http://bit.ly/uhpCP
- Candy or food? New definition from the state will affect what you pay at the checkout line: http://bit.ly/12Pmpf
- "How to Save on Prescription Drug Costs" http://bit.ly/GughG - First comment mentions patients using iPhone Epocrates to find best price... This is not the intended use of this application.
Medical news tweets are not research articles - they are 140-character messages - please always go to the original source, links, etc. The inclusion of a Twitter update (tweet) is not an endorsement or agreement of any kind. Tweets and links do not represent endorsement, approval or support.
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