Entries to the US Embassy Jakarta’s FotObama Contest on Facebook are now online here. I don't know how many more entries have yet to be posted but there are 8 photos right now. My top four favorites are below:
July 28, 2009 - Citra ChergiaSee the profile picture:http://www.facebook.com/people/Citra-Chergia/695063440Larger photo hereI like the sepia tone, the gorgeous smiles and the fact that he is simply "Barry" here.
August 4, 2009 - Dewa Made Cakrabuana AristokraSee the profile picture:http://www.facebook.com/aristokra?__a=1Larger photo here
August 4, 2009 - Triyuliandi MuhammadSee the profile picture:http://www.facebook.com/muhammad.triyuliandiLarger photo hereThat's one rough head shot work but it works just right in the scrapbook-like theme here!
August 4, 2009 - Debo Michiko SianturiSee the profile picture:http://www.facebook.com/debonlyLarger photo here'Cuz this one is just so cute.