There were some strong contenders, but this week's prize goes to the Reverend Pat Robertson for saying that the threat posed by liberal judges is "probably more serious than a few bearded terrorists who fly into buildings."
And when an incredulous George Stephanopoulos asked if the good reverend really believed that these judges posed "the most serious threat America has faced in nearly 400 years of history, more serious than al Qaeda, more serious than Nazi Germany and Japan, more serious than the Civil War?," he responded: "George, I really believe that."
Here's the quote in context, from last Sunday's broadcast of This Week. You can also watch a video snippet of that portion of the interview at the link.
This domestic terrorism being practiced on our nation's judiciary by the religious extremists who control the GOP is really just a warmup -- an air assault in advance of the 'nuclear option' -- for next week's showdown in the Senate.
Armando at Kos has more, including the backstory about the ally of Tom DeLay's who keeps the fire under this hatred burning.