get the InLinkz code
For GIVEAWAY info, read through to the bottom.
Each week, you'll find a new "Math Monday Blog Hop" here. The tradition started with Joyful Learner's Math Links; she has graciously asked me to take over that blog hop. Please link to entries on your blog that talk about math!
I will link the new blog hop posts to the "Math Box" icon below. (For a time, it will also continue to link to some math workbox entries, but I will try to get that cleaned up as I redo my labels.)
If you'd like to grab the button for your blog, feel free! You'll find it at right.
To kick off Math Monday Blog Hop, I thought it'd be fun to start with a little giveaway.
Enter to Win:
Prize (1): one gently used copy of Marilyn Burns' book, Math for Smarty Pants
**Sorry, but U.S. shipping only.**
Contest Details:
Begins today and continues through April 17...the first week of the new Math Monday Blog Hop. Contest ends at midnight on the 17th (U.S. Eastern time) and a winner will be announced on April 18th on the new Math Monday Blog Hop. I will choose a winner at random using
How to enter:
Lots of ways! You may choose as many as you like from the following, leaving a comment (in the comment section at the bottom of this post) being mandatory (unless you think I have superpowers and can figure out your contact info by osmosis.)
#1: Leave a comment here with a mention of why you'd like to win.
#2: Join this week's Math Monday blog hop. Each blog hop submission (up to 2) gives you an additional entry. After you post your link on the blog hop, you'll need to post a comment for each submission...that's the only way I'll be able to count the entry.
#3: Become a follower of my blog. Leave me a comment telling me that you are already a follower or that you've just joined. It'll give me a serious ego boost.
#4: Tell your friends about Math Monday blog hop on Facebook, Twitter, or a listserve/forum. Leave a comment saying what you did, with a link if possible.
#5: Blog about Math Monday blog hop and link back to this page. Post a link to your blog entry.
Please make sure that I have a way to contact you...such as janedoe at gmail dot com. If I don't hear back from a real person within 24 hours, I'll draw again.