Ask yourself, ask your politicians why NATO & ISAF personal must tread lightly around the sharia lovers? This list is official policy:
1. Do NOT handle Qur'ans or other Islamic relgious items. (CAPS in the original.)
2. Never talk badly about the Qur'an or its contents.
3. If you must search a location or person's belongings, ask them if they have a Qur'an or religious item present. If so, ask them to remove it or put it in a suitable place before conducting the search.
4. Your level of sensitivity must be even greater when conducting canine searches. [Dogs are also "najis."] Having an animal anywhere near a Qur''an or other religious artifact is considered highly disrespectful.
5. If you have questions about the Qur'an or Islam, ask respectfully.
6. Be informed and be prepared to answer questions about alleged desecration of the Qur'an.
The shocking Sharia brainwashing of the NATO soldier in Afghanistan: Maximum Dhimmitude.
MUST READ Diana West.