Friday, April 8, 2011

Imam: "Islam has won. Now, whoever is not happy with ‘yes’ can go to Canada or the U.S.”

Any talk about embracing democracy in the Middle East is just silly. Regular Egyptian folk have no concept of what the West calls democracy; the bulk of the population only knows the rule of Mubarak, they have no other experience. To them democracy is the act of 'voting', not about building a liberal democracy. It can't be. Egypt is just another Islamic country that embraces the shariah, just another pack of Koran followers. The ideology of Islam is incompatible with democracy. And I very much don't like to hear of Imams telling the disgruntled Egyptian voter to move to Canada! (ed.)

The political battle for Egypt’s future began in earnest last month when the ruling military council held a referendum to approve its amendments to the Constitution. The Muslim Brotherhood, backing the military, easily won that first test of Egypt’s new democracy, with 77 percent of the public supporting their recommended “yes” vote.

... In the hours before the referendum, rumors spread in Old Cairo and across Egypt that because Coptic Christians were campaigning against the amendments, Muslims had an obligation to vote “yes.” (The existing Constitution, whose basic text the Muslim Brotherhood was defending, does say that Egypt is a Muslim state ruled in accordance with Sharia law; but this provision has always been regarded as largely symbolic, and most of the “no” activists didn’t plan to change it.) 

...A sheikh in one Cairo mosque is said to have told worshipers afterward: “Islam has won. Now, whoever is not happy with ‘yes’ can go to Canada or the U.S.”

Here's the whole thing.