Monday, April 4, 2011

Hilarious Muslim Fashion Show to Stupid Toronto Slut Walk

Bill Maher is pretty much immune to the vitriol heaped on anyone that criticizes or satirizes Islam. Recently he called the Koran "a hate filled book" and nothing happened, the 'media ignored the comments. Apparently even the Imams in Afghan ignored ot too, has Maher is not being blamed for any riots or beheadings.

The writing in this show segment is hilarious and over the top enough to get any Canadian broadcaster in big trouble for 'in-sighting hatred' and blah, blah, blah...

My quick transcription below gives some indication of the laughs to ensue:

@29  "she is hot hot hot and not just from wearing a suffocating tarp in the desert......this outfit just screams "Look out world I'm a women of the 12th century" ...'turn heads without losing yours in this in this sizzling saudi shiek and be the wife he calls for tonight ..."

@58  "here comes lovely Anon, Anon is wearing a daring french cut with a plunging eye slit..."

@1:22 "whether your on the go or knowing your place nobody does repression like the House of Saud ..."

But the question arises where do the  muslim women turn for 12th century fashion advise in the heady 21st century times? Well the imam of course:

Is it allowed for a woman to wear half sleeves shirts in front of mahrams?
 Is it allowed for a women to wear half sleeves shirts in front of mahrams(father-in-law, uncles, etc). Also tell us the what should be the length of sleeves of the shirt.
The Islamic Dress Code

What would you think of a home that provided no shelter and no privacy? What
would you think of a meal that provided no nourishment and no energy? It
does not take much to realize that if one were in the business of selling
any of these he would go bankrupt very quickly. Yet, amazingly the rules
seem to be different when it comes to another basic need: clothing,
especially women's clothing. Every year fashion centers in Europe and
America come up with the latest designs. And what have they designed?
Another way of not covering the body; the dress equivalent of the home that

I'm juts wondering if the TO Police have checked with their cultural diversity department on this whole dressing like a slut thing. I mean is it okay with the shariah compliant division of Blair's department? I'm just tossing it out there.

Toronto 'SlutWalk' attracts 1,500 protesters

A Toronto cop who warned women that dressing like sluts can attract sexual assault was reprimanded and underwent "further training,"
So it's back to the relearning factory for this poor bastard - clearly he was out of line! He just needs more 'sensitivity training', he needs to understand the sex trade industry better then he wouldn't make such politically incorrect comments.
"I don't think the officer meant any offence," added[Police Chief Bill] Blair.
Gee whiz Mister Blair you think so! Are you a rocket scientist too?

Even though the police force insisted the comment does not reflect modern training or professional attitudes towards victims, protesters embarked on the "SlutWalk" to condemn the long-held belief that a woman's way of dressing "makes you a target," organizer Jeanette Janzen said.
Of course it "does not reflect modern training or professional attitudes towards victims" it just points out this officer didn't get enough indoctrination during training.
What would the Toronto Police Service say about gangs of Burqa babes hogging the sidewalk?

A controversial Irish Islamic leader says female Muslims should wear the veil in Ireland as a sign of religious freedom.
“While there is no problem with the niqab in Ireland, it is something which is being debated in many places right now.”

Related update here.