via sdamatt2:
A Canadian man was arrested in Edmonton on Wednesday for his alleged association with a network responsible for suicide bombings in Iraq, including one that killed five U.S. soldiers in April 2009.
The U.S. Department of Justice said it is seeking to have 38-year-old Sayfildin Tahir Sharif, also known as Faruq Khalil Muhammad 'Isa or Tahir Sharif Sayfildin, extradited to the United States to face charges in New York state.
U.S. authorities allege the accused is charged "in connection with his support for a multinational terrorist network that conducted multiple suicide bombings in Iraq and that is responsible for the deaths of five American soldiers."
RCMP spokesman Sgt. Patrick Webb confirmed officers arrested Sharif in downtown Edmonton at 9 a.m. on behalf the Federal Bureau of Investigations.
Additional related post at Dr Bulldog