Saturday, January 29, 2011

Egypt is forever changed

Cross posted at SDA:
There is a massive power vacuum in
Egypt and no possibility for a pro-democracy group to make any moves simply because none was ever permitted to exist. The Muslim Brotherhood no doubt has supporters in the conscripted army and the police. Their allies in Hamas are now moving over the border has the police have 'mysteriously' disappeared.

How much of the military decides to act in concert with the MB will show how messy this will get. There is no chance for democracy in Egypt and the country is now forever changed. The talking heads on CBC and other media blabbing on about how this uprising is good for the people is ludicrous - these TV bobble-heads have no concept of what lays ahead for the regular folk. The choices are chaos and oppression and strict sharia law under the MB.

This will be very bloody very soon. JMHO

Hot Fur has some comment and pics Egypt is not Free . Clearly democracy is nowhere in sight.