Left to babysit her little brothers while my husband and I took our older son to a basketball tournament, our daughter proved to be full of penguin pride. She made her little brothers penguin habitats, using materials out of the recycling bin:
Then she froze them a penguin ocean so the penguins could catch fish.
The boys have played with their
all weekend. They put them in a pile and take turns drawing to divvy up the penguins. They play, play, play. Then they put them all in a pile and do it all over again.
I read them some penguin books:
Tacky the Penguin
A Mother's Journey
--a fascinating look at the mother's role while the father sits on the egg
(by Polly Dunbar)--the boys think this book is hilarious
The Emperor's Egg
--love this reflection on what the father does to care for the baby penguin..."Can you imagine it? Standing around in the freezing cold with an egg on your feet for two whole months?" ...My 8yo ds kept asking when the dad eats. He was appalled to find out that he doesn't!
Yesterday my 8yo asked me whether Killer Whales eat penguins. We looked up their predators. It's been interesting to listen to the boys as they play. They're adding more and more "real life facts" to their play as they learn about penguins. ("A Killer Whale is going to get us!")
The boys watched Happy Feet last night (minus the scary parts.) We're all set to continue our study tomorrow! Hope you'll join us. :)