Stars: *****
Annick Press (2010)
Picture Book
32 pages
Ages 2-5
Summary: How do you read to different animals? What would happen? This is explored with humour in this book.
This book is along the same lines as one of her other books, Toilet Tales.
Some Quotes:
"If you read a bedtime story to a hippopotamus, he might want to sit on your lap."
"And why can't you read a book to owls? Because they'll keep asking.... whooo????"
The book is really cute and can inspire talk about how other animals would react to being read to. If you want you could even pass along the neat fact that dogs are great listeners and in fact lots of children do read to them. At the end of the book we see who the best people to read to is.
As I posted about before, there is a Annick Press contest to go along with this book. Click the link for details, it's for kids and you could win a signed, original sketch by the author/illustrator.
Links of Interest: Contest,
Other Reviews: NONE YET
Buy How Do You Read to a Rabbit?
Is There a Monster Over There? by Sally O. Lee
Stars: ***1/2
Create Space (2010)
Picture Book
36 pages
Summary: Mabel and her cat Tiffany are scared of monsters until Mabel wonders "what if monsters were just like us?" So Mabel and Tiffany test out their theory and get to be friends with the monster.
I've reviewed many other picture books by Sally O. Lee: Stop It, Cake Thief, The Rabbit and the Snowman and The Tutu Ballet.
This one would be good for a child already scared of monsters but if they aren't scared of monsters, I wouldn't read it. The monster is kind of scary looking and you don't want to put that idea into their head. That really goes with any monster book.
Once Mabel isn't afraid anymore and finds the monster friendly, they play dress up which I think is a good way of making the monster not scary anymore.
Links of Interest: Lee Publishing,
Other Reviews: Lost in Books,
Buy Is There a Monster Over There?
Chicken, Pig, Cow and the Purple Problem by Ruth Ohi
Stars: *****
Annick Press (2010)
Picture Book
32 pages
Ages 2-5
Summary: The third book in the Chicken, Pig, Cow series. Cow is fed up with having purple spots when all the other cows have brown or gray spots so she goes off on a quest to change her spots. It's a story of self-acceptance.
See Chicken, Pig, Cow and Chicken, Pig, Cow on the Move.
Cow is the focus of this book and he learns the important lesson of being happy with who you are. He leaves his friends to find a way to not be purple. He finds gray mud and brown dirt and even new shoes. Will his friends recognize him?
As with all the Chicken, Pig, Cow books, this is so cute. My kids love the series and I can't wait to see what's next.
Links of Interest: Ruth Ohi, Featured on Gisele's Big Backyard,
Other Reviews: NONE YET
Buy Chicken, Pig, Cow and the Purple Problem
* I received a copy of each of these books for review. All reviews are honest and are not affected by how I acquired the book.