Screen capture from state.gov video
Today at 6:00 p.m. Secretary Clinton will host the "Diplomacy at Home for the Holidays” event honoring the families of the US government employees serving unaccompanied tours. The event will be held in the Diplomatic Reception Rooms of the State Department that have recently been decorated for the holidays.
The State Department says that nearly 1,000 State Department employees are currently serving unaccompanied tours overseas; in places too dangerous to bring family or host visitors, and their commitment through the holidays is a testament to their dedication and devotion to serving our country.
Updated: 12/8 Screen capture of event added above. The transcript of the Secretary’s remarks is here. The video of the event is currently not available for embedding, but can be viewed here. The video is 19:58 long, with an introduction by Chief of Protocol Capricia Marshall, remarks by the event partner, Nina Link, and by Rosalila Mastriano, an EFM of a DS employee currently posted in Baghdad. Secretary Clinton’s remarks starts at 13:30.