Summary: The Turkey's Treat introduces young Jeff Watson, who has his sight set on the perfect Christmas turkey. But that turns out to be a whole lot more difficult when he has to catch it himself!
Children's Fiction - Picture Book
ISBN: 978-1432733247
Outskirts Press (April 30, 2009)
I received this book from Bostick Communications and I must be honest and say it wasn't as good as I'd hoped. The idea is to show children that there is more to Christmas than just the fixings but I don't think it necessarily did that. Jeff learns that you can have Christmas without eating Turkey but he gets the tree he wants. I think a book where they have what they want but something happens and they lose it all but enjoy Christmas anyways would carry that message better.
Also since when do grocery stores carry live Turkeys? They certainly don't around here. I did like the illustrations by Victor Guiza, they were very funny, cartoonish even. I liked that the boy didn't listen to his parents and he saw the consequences. However I think a lot more thought and editing should have gone into this book.
Links of Interest: Author Interview at Books and Needlepoint,
Other Reviews: The Bookshelf Reviews,
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