Monday, October 18, 2004

Sean's textbook on GR

Jacob Barandes just told us about Sean Carroll's textbook on general relativity. Yes, it is the same Sean who lives in the Preposterous Universe, another Universe in the multiverse. It's the best book on GR ever; it fills the holes in all 8 textbooks that Jacob had read previously; it is a book that makes sense; he wishes he had the book when he was getting started with GR.

After having looked at the free version of that book

I must agree and recommend you this apparently excellent piece of work! You should buy the commercial version of the book because
  • it has better diagrams
  • you will help Sean to be awarded for his work
The page of that book is at

Update: When I was telling about this recommended GR book to Andy Strominger, he replied: "I am using it in my course!" :-)