Saturday, May 7, 2011

Eat at Joe's

Here is a snippet my Weekend Update that just went out to subscribers of my AllanTrends trading service.  If you are here, you probably are already a subscriber.  If you are not a subscriber, what is wrong with you?  Probably post traumatic stress syndrome.  Yes I've been there and done that.  It is no fun, believe me.  But the best way to snap out of it is to subscribe to my service.  You can trust me, I am a doctor.  (Juris).

Trend tables results:
Indices: 9 out of 12 signals profitable;
Commodity Daily: 5 out of 6 signals profitable;
Stocks/ETF’s: 10 out of 15 signals profitable;
Gold Stocks; 6 out of 10 signals profitable (after just taking off some big winners);
Weekly Commodities: 5 out of 6 signals profitable;
Weekly Gold Stocks: 9 out of 10 signals profitable for an average gain of 157.65% per stock

Chart of the Week