Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mark Haines

I posted this on my AllanTrend site this morning, it's free to all, but I'm posting it here too, because I am really sad about this and don't completely know why.


Mark Haines

If you are not watching CNBC, you may not have heard, but Mark Haines has passed away at the age of 65.   It is a time like this that our lives are put in perspective for what really matters, that every breath we take is precious and the markets pale in comparison to the gift of life and the gifts that come our way in a lifetime: Children, lovers, friends, relatives and even so called strangers, like Mark Haines, that are taken for granted, until the day they disappear, suddenly, unexpectedly, sadly and irrevocably.
If it is possible to have a friend who we have never met, Mark Haines was one for me.  I will miss him.