Minimalism describes movements in various forms of art and design, especially visual art and music, where the work is stripped down to its most fundamental features. As a specific movement in the arts it is identified with developments in post-World War II Western Art, most strongly with American visual arts in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Prominent artists associated with this movement include Donald Judd, Agnes Martin, Robert Morris, and Frank Stella. It is rooted in the reductive aspects of Modernism, and is often interpreted as a reaction against Abstract expressionism and a bridge to Postmodern art practices.
The term "minimalist" is often applied colloquially to designate anything which is spare or stripped to its essentials. It has also been used to describe the plays and novels of Samuel Beckett, the films of Robert Bresson, the stories of Raymond Carver, and even the automobile designs of Colin Chapman.
Source: Wikipedia
Sometimes. less is more. The new subscription service covers about 20 symbols, mostly because I tried to include something for everyone. In reality, one could simply follow a single symbol, like SDS and do quite well over the course of 2010. This is in fact my own preferred strategy for certain personal and managed accounts.
Let's not get all dazed and confused out there, simplicity has its own engaging elegance:
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