Stars: ****
This is a book for preschoolers about some common Jewish Holidays in ABC format. The following holidays are covered (some more than once): Hanukkah, Passover, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Shabbat, Lag B'omer, Purim, Simhat torah, Yom Ha'Atzma'ut and Shavuot.
The illustrations are by Rita Pocock and look like paper ripped into shapes and placed in the proper spot. I've seen this format below (Anyone know the name for it?) and I like it.
Here are some quotes:
"E: Each time Minnie eats lunch in the sukkah, she sniffs the sweet etrog and shakes the tall lulav."Links of Interest: Malka Drucker,
"P: On Passover, Raffy sings the prayers he learned in Hebrew School to the family sitting around the table"
"S: On Saturday Morning, Minnie says, "Shabbat shalom" to everyone she sees."
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