Human Male: Still A Work In Progress - Y chromosome is changing far more rapidly than the rest of the genome. Y chromosome is in "an evolutionary freefall", looks like a house that's constantly being remodeled http://bit.ly/7LV50B
Primary care doctors could see a 1.1% Medicare pay increase this year but cost of practicing medicine will rise 2.5% http://bit.ly/6nmApE
Oncologists Using Twitter to Advance Cancer Knowledge - Oncology Times, 2010 http://bit.ly/4vpcn8 - Applicable to most physicians.
At Hospitals in China, Caesarean Rate Nears 50%. Commentary called the study results “surprising and chilling" http://bit.ly/5sXthF
Relenza (Zanamivir) should be inhaled, not nebulised http://bit.ly/58c1bL
Caffeine Poster Chart http://bit.ly/4yFjbC and Caffeine content for coffee, tea, soda http://bit.ly/4OVo8
Stelara (ustekinumab) may be one of the most effective drugs for psoriasis, works better than Enbrel in a new study http://bit.ly/6S1nI2
How do you convert Vitamin D dose from IU to mcg and vice versa? 1 mcg vitamin D = 40 International Units (IU) http://bit.ly/89hAHQ
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