High levels of job stress and little work-related social support linked to increased risk of type 2 diabetes. 10% of all type 2 diabetes cases would have been prevented, had the job-related stress been controlled http://bit.ly/8lRra5
Chronic sleep deprivation linked to a heightened risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease http://bit.ly/5kG2tb
Skin Cancer After Heart Transplant: With prolonged survival, many heart transplant patients have numerous skin cancers http://bit.ly/7AmQfE
Is there a possibility of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) cases following the 2009 H1N1 vaccine? CDC http://bit.ly/5G2qGU -- Should I have an H1N1 flu vaccination after Guillain-Barré syndrome? BMJ Sep 2009 http://bit.ly/4ojMvi
First Mention: Contact Lens, 1930, in NYT - Lenses the “size of a cent” were inserted by a 22-year-old woman http://bit.ly/6eWXL5
Older men who suffer from restless legs syndrome at night are twice as likely to have erectile dysfunction http://bit.ly/7IjMU4
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