Friday, January 8, 2010

Bloggiesta Update 2

Well in the last 4hrs and 30 mins I've logged 2hrs and 25 minutes of bloggiesta stuff. Not great but not bad I guess.

I did a lot of tweeting and visiting blogs too so....

This time:
  1. I ordered business cards (thanks to @the1stDaughter for where to get them and @Vasilly, @MawBooks and @BookLadysBlog for help.)
  2. I rearranged my sidebars
  3. Changed my blogroll to include all 201 book blogs I read in Google Reader but to only display the top 10 that were recently updated with a link to view more.
Next I plan to get a few reviews done. I'll post at least one but plan to save some for posting the next few days or more.  It's after 10pm here but I'll make one more update when I go to bed for the night.