2009 Google Zeitgeist examines the billions of queries that people around the world have typed into Google search http://j.mp/8BzW0x -- Fastest Falling Google query in 2009: acai berry http://j.mp/8BzW0x -- Fastest Rising Google Query By Quarter: "Swine Flu" Outnumbered Everything Else By Far http://j.mp/4vS1zd
Looking at the social media efforts of hospitals, where is the difference between promotional info (~infomercials) and educating the public?
Google Analytics launches asynchronous tracking = Faster load times for your web pages http://bit.ly/6EgqcC
Thanks to the Internet, vengeance—let's call it "Webtribution"—is easier, and nastier, than ever. From WSJ http://bit.ly/8G2omw
"45 Advertisements You Will Never Forget" http://bit.ly/7YSky7 - 2 health-related examples: http://bit.ly/1ujm1f and http://bit.ly/8xnjCr
How would you feel if "your page" was deleted from Wikipedia? Loren Feldman shares his feelings in this video: http://bit.ly/7TWNHn
How to use Google Checkout store gadget to sell online http://bit.ly/5QSYAo -- Google Checkout is competing with the well-established PayPal but the transaction fees are the same http://bit.ly/6qiydc and http://bit.ly/7kJzIa
E-Readers: They're Hot Now, But Still Evolving and the Landscape is Changing Quickly - WSJ http://bit.ly/7DvmOm
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