Friday, December 4, 2009

Officially In: Brooke D. Anderson as Alternate Rep to the UN

On December 2, President Obama announced his intent to nominate Brooke D. Anderson to be Alternate Representative of the United States of America for Special Political Affairs in the United Nations, with the rank of Ambassador. The WH released the following official bio:

Brooke D. Anderson currently serves as Chief of Staff and Counselor to Ambassador Susan E. Rice at the United States Mission to the United Nations. With more than 20 years experience working in the public policy arena, Ms. Anderson has worked at the White House National Security Council, the U.S. Department of Energy, for members of Congress and in the nonprofit and private sectors.

Ms. Anderson was Chief National Security Spokesperson and Policy Advisor for the Obama-Biden Transition Team and a member of the White House National Security Council Transition Team. Ms. Anderson previously worked for the Nuclear Threat Initiative, a nonprofit co-chaired by former Senator Sam Nunn and Ted Turner, which focuses on reducing global threats from nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.

While at the National Security Council under President Bill Clinton, Ms. Anderson was Senior Director for Communications and Special Assistant for National Security Affairs. Ms. Anderson has worked on congressional and presidential campaigns, including Senator John Kerry’s 2004 Presidential campaign.

She graduated from Sarah Lawrence College in 1986.

Related Item:President Obama Announces More Key Administration Posts, 12/02/09