Sunday, December 6, 2009

"I have an empty Kindle. What is a must-read book for flight to Paris?"

This is an example of one of the best uses for the Amazon Kindle e-book reader:

Robert Scoble was "stuck in a plane" before a long transatlantic flight and asked his followers:

  • Robert Scoble Scobleizer
    "I have an empty Kindle. What is a must-read book for flight to Paris?"

A few minutes later, the replies started pouting in (see the complete list here):

Wow a TON of great book ideas: with more coming every second! I bought a few of these, thank you!

And now that I have a bunch of books on my Kindle we are off to see @Loic in Paris. See you on the other side of the pond.

RT @AaronStrout: @Scobleizer have you read The Road? If not, you MUST. <-- Agreed /via @DerekMassey OK I am getting this. Yes, the Kindle replaces books for me. Totally. How else could I have purchased the Road while stuck in a plane? Gotta go.