Friday, December 11, 2009

CNN video: Ted Kennedy Jr., surviver of osteosarcoma

From Dana-Farber Cancer Institute:

"Edward Kennedy Jr., was diagnosed with a malignant bone tumor in his leg in the early 1970s. After part of his right leg was amputated, Kennedy and his family turned to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Children's Hospital Boston to help prevent the cancer's spread. The boy joined a clinical trial that involved infusions of methotrexate, combined with the folic-acid vitamin leucovorin to counter the toxicity of the drug. He endured some 18 treatments under the direction of Emil Frei III, M.D., now Dana-Farber's physician-in-chief emeritus, and Norman Jaffe, M.D., currently on staff at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Texas.

By participating in an early clinical trial for osteosarcoma treatment, he also helped advance research in pediatric oncology. Comments Frei, "When Ted Kennedy was treated for his tumor, his chance of being cured was in the 10 to 15 percent range. As a result of that trial and others that followed, that figure is now 60 to 70 percent."