Monday, December 7, 2009

Allan Stratton is on GoodReads!

Allan Stratton, author of Chanda's Secrets, Chanda's Wars (not reviewed yet by me) and Leslie's Journal among others has recently joined GoodReads. If you enjoy his books, add him as a friend or follow his reviews or become a fan!

Also I received this message from Allan about his new blog:

What with traveling to South Africa for the shoot of "Chanda's Secrets", I decided to succumb to my publisher's hounding and start a blog. It's about writing and travel adventures there and upcoming in Cuba, Argentina, Vietnam and Italy. I promise to keep it fun, with the self-indulgence to a minimum -- cuz, like, what the world really needs is another writer's blog, eh? :)

Anyway, if you're interested you can check out the first entry at