Image by _fLeMmA__ via Flickr
A recipient is chosen from each of the Department of State's six geographical bureaus. Each winner receives:
- A cash award of $2,500.
- A pin commemorating the annual AAFSW awards ceremony.
- A certificate signed by the Secretary of State.
2009 SOSA Award Winners
- Erin P. Sweeney: Lagos, Nigeria (AF)
- JanMarie Flattum-Riemers: Jakarta, Indonesia (EAP)
- Lara L. Center: Luxembourg (EUR/IO)
- Joseph A. Taylor: Baghdad, Iraq (NEA)
- Bernadetta J. Ruch: Dushanbe, Tajikistan (SCA)
- Jan Irene Miller: Panama City, Panama (WHA)
Read more about the 2009 SOSA Award winners and see photos and slide shows of their projects at the Associates of the American Foreign Service Worldwide.
The 2008 winners are here.