Thursday, December 21, 2006


I was tagged by Sabine in a chain-process with the following instructions:
  • Grab the book closest to you.
  • Open to page 123, go down to the fifth sentence.
  • Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog.
  • Name the book and the author.
  • Tag three people.


  • A 45-minute tour includes ritual dances. The National Hall of Fame for Famous American Indians (US 62 E of town, 405-247-5555) is a museum and park. Among the exhibits are 37 statues of figures such as Geronimo, Pontiac, and Jim Thorpe.

You see, without this stupid game, I wouldn't even know that Pontiac is named after a famous Native American boss.

Figure 1: Pontiac, the warrior chief of Ottawas

The sentences were taken from the closest book, "Crossing America", by the National Geographic Society.

I'll tag Rae Ann, William Connolley, Kasper Olsen. Merry Christmas :-)