Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Hawking: colonize space or die

Our famous and beloved colleague Stephen Hawking has indirectly supported Bush's NASA plans and urged the humanity

to avoid a manmade virus that will otherwise destroy all life.

In 20 years, we should be on the Moon. In 40 years, we should be on Mars. However, because the planets in the Solar system suck, we must clearly plan to see other stars with nicer planets.

Hawking is just getting started with a children book project with his daughter.

Equally famous and beloved Alan Guth views the space as the "ultimate life boat" at the 100-year timescale, but meanwhile, he proposes to build an underground base in Antarctica. Given the huge number of militant crackpots and others above the ground, it could be a good idea for me to apply for asylum there. ;-)