Saturday, October 29, 2005

Snow is back

Snow is back here in Cambridge. So far it is lighter than in January, but we will see where it goes. The temperature for tomorrow is forecast to be 22 Fahrenheit above the temperatures today. Many of us already have a lot of fun with the snow.

Don't forget that weather is local in time as well as in space. Our friends in Central America have a tropical opportunity to learn the Greek alphabet properly. :-) Now they're learning (hurricane) Beta.

Also, don't forget the proverb "spring forward, fall back". It's the last full weekend of October, and therefore the daylight saving time is over! If you did something wrong in the last hour and you wish it would have never happened between X:00 PM and (X+1):00 PM, just return your watch back by one hour, and repeat the hour without the error.