Some people enjoy this weather - is not the white snow blanket that covers the whole cities beautiful? Some people think that it has been too much of a good thing. Some other people just hate it.
The latter category may feel happier that Europe has been much colder than the East Coast recently:
Temperatures in Germany fell to a 100 year low (while the unemployment is at 75 year high - 5.2 million). The mass of snow covering the Czech Republic was probably the largest in 40 years. (It's believed that the floods won't follow because they usually require a lot of rain in the country.) Today in the morning, the average temperature in Western Bohemia was -20 Celsius degrees. Record low temperature have also been recorded in France, Spain, Croatia, Switzerland, Netherlands (record since 1845), the United Kingdom, and elsewhere.
The climate models have been improved so that they predict chilly Februaries in Europe whenever the year is a multiple of 401 - it's the freezing effect of the 401k U.S. retirement plans. Incidentally, the climate models completely fail to reproduce the strong and obvious local correlations between the temperature trends and industrialization - an indication that most of the observed trends will be due to the heat island effect (i.e. local warming) after all. By the way, I am absolutely certain that some believers won't resist and they will add a comment under this article arguing that a cold winter, hot winter, a lot of snow, little snow - all of these things are holy signs of global warming. Why I am so certain? Because global warming is an uncurable disease - something like fundamentalist islam. ;-)
That's the East Coast and Europe. What about the other continents, for example Asia? Ten days ago, they also experienced a record snow in India that froze life in Srinagar. In Taiwan, the cold will get even worse. At about the same time in Australia, they complained about an unusually cool and wet February; many believe that the month was just a chilly exception. And it's plausible that the cold was localized in Victoria and NSW while the rest of Australia was warm.
As you can see, it's easy to get convinced that we're entering a new Ice Age. That would be a hasty conclusion. The weather in Indiana and Wisconsin is warmer than usual.