It contains roughly 220+ pictures. Microsoft Internet Explorer is recommended because it offers you the luxury of thumbnails, filmstrip, and so forth. When your Service Pack 2 blocks the "active content", left-click the tab and choose "Allow blocked content" (twice).
If your internet browser causes any problems, you may also find the pictures directly in this directory:
There are many potentially exciting things on the photographs that you might like - for example, many people are skiing on Massachusetts Avenue, Harvard Square, Memorial Drive, and so forth. The Charles snow fields (formerly known as Charles River) is completely white. Various types of trucks; nice girls; cute children are shoveling snow. Children immersed in snow are playing weird games and they're sliding from a staircase.
Most of the cars are completely buried, and it is often difficult to decide whether there is a car hidden in the snow or not. A few chimneys are desperately trying to emit some greenhouse gases and increase the temperature a little bit. Matthews Hall claims to have an "accessible entrance" although it does not seem terribly accessible. A vendor machine sells ice. Churches are welcoming you although you obviously can't get there.
I wonder what all the animals (and homeless people) are doing in this kind of weather. No doubt, many of them die - including various types of insect and parasites. I feel compassionate about most of them, but on the other hand, I would like to hope that this weather will eliminate some parasites - for example the global warming alarmists - at least for a couple of years. Those blinded people disconnected from reality who want us to pay trillions of dollars and halve the growth of the economy so that the next blizzard will have 20 more centimeters of snow.
But I'm afraid that this kind of organisms will never disappear naturally. They will just mutate a little bit, and modify their fairy-tales so that it also includes blizzards as a warning announcing the doom. Some of them will say that the greenhouse effect increases the fluctuations - which is incidentally not true as everyone who has seen a greenhouse, whose very goal is to keep the conditions more or less constant, knows very well; others will return to the global cooling paradigm. If the global warming alarmists were scientists, such incidents as the blizzard would probably devastate them for a while. But they're not scientists.
OK, let's stop this pessimism and let's enjoy the beautiful gifts of mother Nature!
Europe: Although Europe can't compete with New England, most of Western Europe (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Austria) is under snow, too. Portugal and Spain enjoy unusually chilly weather. Southeastern Europe has not seen much snow so far.
Alarmism of new dimensions: The Independent has described a new "report" about the approaching global climate catastrophe. I won't dedicate a special article to this silliness - just one paragraph. In comparison with previous reports, this "report" is improved by defining a "critical threshold". They argue that the doomsday will occur when the concentration of CO2 jumps from the current 379 parts per million to 400 parts per million, which will be roughly on September 11, 2015. This is the judgement day. This report is also new in another aspect: they don't even try to pretend that there is any serious science behind it - they openly say that the report was prepared mostly by some politicians and former politicians - and they don't say what climatic effects are exactly supposed to happen. On the other hand, they enumerate all the catastrophes that should happen - drink water and agriculture will suddenly disappear, and all this incedible crap - and all the political demands they have. This new form of terrorism proves my point that the fearmongers will never disappear naturally, and until there is enough consensus that these people should be legally responsible for their fearmongering, the situation will deteriorate further.