Thursday, December 2, 2010

Preschool Flannel Board Shapes (math gift)

Photo temporarily removed for security.

My 4yo ds enjoys geometric math exploration using flannel board shapes. The "board" is just a piece of cardboard with a piece of flannel material affixed to the front. The one above was attached with a zigzag stitch on a sewing machine.

The shapes, cut from felt, were made with patterns from the shape set from Box It or Bag It. When ds first starting constructing, he made a lot of abstract "fill the board" pictures. Then he moved on to making "pizzas" and feeding me his pizza board. ;) Now he's arrived at building vehicles and structures.

You could easily make a set like this for an inexpensive, educational holiday gift. I found felt at garage sales, received some as donations from friends, or purchased it. You can also find nice felt boards if you don't choose to make your own.

If you do this, comment with a link to your photo! ;)

This would make a great preschool workbox! :)