Thursday, October 1, 2009

Officially In: John F. Tefft to Kyiv

Map from CIA WorldFactbook

On September 30 President Obama announced his intent to nominate career diplomat, John F. Tefft to be the next Ambassador to Ukraine. The WH released the following official bio below:

John F. Tefft has been a career Foreign Service Officer for 37 years. He most recently served as United States Ambassador to the Republic of Georgia from 2005-2009. Prior to that assignment Mr. Tefft served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs and was responsible for US relations with Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova.From 2003-2005 Mr. Tefft was the International Affairs Advisor at the National War College in Washington, DC. He served as the United States Ambassador to Lithuania from 2000 to 2003. He was Deputy Chief of Mission at the US Embassy in Moscow from 1996 to 1999, and served as Charge d’affaires from November 1996 to September 1997. His other Foreign Service assignments include: Jerusalem, Budapest and Rome.Mr. Tefft holds a Bachelors Degree from Marquette University and a Masters Degree from Georgetown University.

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The United States recognized Ukraine on Dec 26, 1991. Embassy Kiev was established on Jan 23, 1992, with Jon Gundersen as Chargé d'Affaires ad interim. Six US ambassadors had been appointed to Ukraine since its recognition; only one was a non-career appointee. Previous US Ambassadors to Kyiv whose names you might recognize are Carlos Pascual (2000-2003) currently the US Ambassador to Mexico and John E. Herbst (2003-2006) currently head of S/CRS at the State Department.

If confirmed Mr. Tefft would succeed career diplomat, William B. Taylor, Jr. who was appointed US Ambassador to Ukraine in 2006.

Related Item:President Obama Announces More Key Administration Posts 9/30/09