Well I haven't done Mailbox Monday in a few weeks so the following books were not all from this week.
I look forward to reading these books, let me know if you have them too or they look interesting to you. I'll see if I can arrange a giveaway of some of them as well.
Other Mailbox Mondays posts.

till SEX do us part: Make your MARRIED SEX irresistible by Dr. Trina E. Read, D.H.S.
This was a cold request which means I heard about the book and contacted the author to find out if I could review a copy.
It's all about the difference between single-sex and married-sex and how to make sure a bad sex life doesn't ruin your marriage.

This is part of the Random House Waterbrook Multnomah Mother's Day tour. There were a few books to choose from but I only picked this one.
As the title reveals, it's about remembering who you were/are before you had kids.

Healthy Child, Whole Child: Integrating the Best of Conventional and Alternative Medicine to Keep Your Kids Healthy by Stuart H. Ditchek, M.D. & Russell H. Greenfield, M.D. (Revised & Updated)
This is the updated version to the 2001 version. I've never read it and it looks interesting. (Collins Living - an Imprint of HarperCollins)

Nibbling on Einstein's Brain: The Good, The Bad & The Bogus in Science by Diane Swanson
This is a children's non-fiction book from Annick Press. I love learning science, especially in children's NF. The book is not only about learning new facts but about learning how to tell if something you read is real fact or not.

I love this cover, all those butterflies flying around in darkness. This is teen fiction from Annick Press about two girls who try Ecstasy and the paths it leads them on.
I've never tried hard drugs so the book makes me curious.

The Bears We Know by Brenda Silsbe
This is a picture book by Annick Press about the neighbours that no one's seen but the narrators "know" are bears and they stay up to late and the house is a mess and they decorate with sawdust."