Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The Nutcracker comes to H-Town

Senator Hillary Clinton
is coming to Houston
hosted by
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee
National/Regional Co-Chair, Hillary Clinton for President Campaign
On Saturday morning, August 11, 2007 at 10:00 a.m.
join with friends, neighbors and Hillary Clinton for President supporters
(note change of location)
IBEW Local 716 Hall
1475 North Loop West
(I-610 North at Ella Blvd exit)
Houston, TX 77008
RSVP required for each admittance
(if you previously rsvp'd, please disregard)

They had to change locations because of the number of RSVPs (over 600). This was the original invite, a rather poor Photoshop:

My caption?

"A little lower, Sheila."

*scritch scritch*


*scritch scritch*

"That's it. Ahhhh..."

*scritch scritch scritch*