Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Columbia University crackpot joins Mark McCutcheon

On this blog, we have extensively discussed ethically problematic acts of a crackpot named Mark McCutcheon who has written a 1-star book "The Final Theory" that denies, among many other things, the existence of gravity acting both on the celestial as well as terrestrial bodies.

Because all the reviews appeared at some moment in the past, we know that Mark McCutcheon has erased - or forced to erase - at least 222 reviews, mostly one-star reviews. They were just inconvenient for the author and his somewhat immoral profits. The remaining 100 or so reviews incorrectly indicate that McCutcheon's worthless 1-star book deserves 5 stars.

I was just told that a lecturer in discipline from Columbia University - and the owner of the world's most active physics crackpots' discussion forum - who has written a 2-star book that everyone knows has joined Mark McCutcheon and made erase all reviews of his book - for example my 2-star review - except the 5-star reviews written by idiots most of whom have not read the book - and neither of whom has any idea about the content of the book. This kind of fraud leads to the average rating of this 2-star book to be displayed as 5 stars. Also, several 5-star reviews that were not deleted have been edited by a third party.

The author has personally confirmed that he has contacted with his desire to remove the "inappropriate" reviews - and he is quite obviously proud about it.

I think that the lecturer in discipline - and - should be ashamed for this immoral, despicable behavior. The lesson for all of us is clear: those who don't and can't accept the standard rules of making progress in science always follow the same procedures. Crackpots not only share some common errors in their thinking and they also love to criticize the existing science by their nonsensical pseudoarguments but they can never stand criticism - or peer-review - themselves.

This is one of many reasons why The Reference Frame will never accept the politically correct clichés that these people's voices are useful for science blah blah blah. The writing of these people is a completely worthless crap and any suggestion that it is something else is a result of fraud, ignorance, stupidity, censorship, and lies.