Other news of this kind: Kateřina Neumannová gets the first silver medal for the Czech Republic - for skiathlon.
She could get several additional medals later. The most excited fan was, of course, the President Klaus. Incidentally, next week, Klaus is widely expected to veto the bill about the registered gay partnership. He says that while the usual special rules for families are designed to help the society work and care about the children, there exists not a single reason for special rules governing gay partnership.
Meanwhile, global warming ;-) has caused another snowstorm here in New England. It is remotely comparable to the great 2005 blizzard one year ago. Since the midnight, we have received almost a foot of snow and another foot is on its way. The window in my office was not quite closed so there is some snow in my office, too. Poor Peskin-Schroeder textbook. In South Korea, they had about 7 inches of snow on Thursday which was enough to break their modest historical record. New York has its second-thickest snow after Christmas 1947 right now - update: the record has fallen - while the Washington state had a near-record snow one week ago.