Friday, November 25, 2005

Supernovae: Lambda is constant

Scientific American reports that the observations of 71 distant galaxies suggest that the dark energy is constant, namely the cosmological constant, indeed. The upper bound on the pressure/energy_density ratio is now
  • pressure/energy_density < -0.85,

very close to "-1". More details in the paper by Ray Carlberg et al.

ATLAS at Wikipedia

Incidentally, if you look at Wikipedia today, the featured article is about the

It was mostly written by SCZenz, a graduate student of experimental particle physics at Berkeley. Very good job!

Incidentally, some people think that the Bush-haters usually like science. It does not seem to be the case at Wikipedia. The user Z6 has only "edited" two pages before he was eradicated by an administrator: ATLAS experiment that Z6 proposed to be destroyed, and George W. Bush whose page Z6 has modified in a very similar way. To show how difficult it is to destroy the communists, Z6 has also reincarnated into a new user V9 who attempted to destroy the Atlas experiment again. ;-)